Get Low is purportedly set in the American South of the 1930s, although it is conspicuously devoid of identifiable regional details. Duvall plays Felix Bush, a much-aligned hermit shrouded in mystery. The storied actor has come full circle now, since he started his illustrious career playing another loner, the creepy Boo Radley in To Kill a Mocking Bird. Bush has the odd idea of throwing a "living funeral" for himself. He hires Chicago-born funeral parlor owner Frank Quinn (Bill Murray) to make the "arrangements." The intention is for local townspeople to come together and tell everything they know about the eccentric Bush. In reality, Bush has a thing or two to tell the townspeople, namely while he has become a hermit. The film sets itself up for a great Shayamalonesque twist ending once Bush reveals to the local people, and the audience, the deep, dark secrets of his past. The movie's denouncement, though, comes off more lame than revelatory. We are left shrugging our shoulders and muttering 'this is it?'
Nevertheless, I can't emphasize enough that Duvall truly is in prime form. He has never been more truthful and honest in his acting as he is now. I just wish the film's script and visual style could better support his remarkable work.
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