New on Spectrum Culture, my review of the best show I have attended this year so far, Japandroids with Cadence Weapon at Chicago's Lincoln Hall:
In a recent Spectrum Culture interview, Japandroids guitarist Brian King told me, “Punk is no more a music genre than Pluto is a planet.” He went on to discuss the limitations and irrelevance of musical labels. It’s not surprising, then, that the opener for the Vancouver-based duo’s Lincoln Hall show was not another garage rock band, but a rapper originally from Edmonton, Alberta named Rollie Pemberton, otherwise known as Cadence Weapon. The crowd admittedly looked a bit skeptical at first, but they quickly warmed up to Pemberton’s brand of articulate, personal hip-hop. The rapper gave the audience plenty of chances to get involved with songs like “Jukebox” and “Real Estate,” shouting out lines for them to chant along with.Click below to read the rest: